IMPC (Indoor Members Prayer Circle)

Indoor Members’ Prayer Circle was started in 1921 by Mrs. Edith Lucy Mosse, originally for any member who, for any reason, was prevented from taking part in the activities of their local branch but wanted to support and pray for the leaders and the work of the organisation. You can read more here

Our IMPC Representative keeps in touch with all our IMPC members by sending cards for Christmas, Easter and birthdays along with letters from the Worldwide President or our Diocesan Chaplain or President as well as keeping them informed of what is going on in Sheffield Diocese.  Mothers’ Union Worldwide Trustee Jenny Barton produces monthly reflections for IMPC members.

When we hold Mothers’ Union Services we place our IMPC Members book on a table at the front of the church with a lighted candle. It contains the names of all our Indoor members so that when we are all together they will feel very much included in all that we do.

If any Mothers’ Union member would like to join Indoor members you can either download the application form from the Branch Resources page or ask any Deanery Leader for a form. You will be very warmly welcomed.
2024 Reflections can be downloaded by clicking on the month

July Reflections

If you are part of Mothers’ Union, please remember to visit your IMPC members and give them your prayer requests and I am sure they would be only too happy to include them in their daily prayers.