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News from the Deaneries.
Wath Deanery
All Saints Wath
Wath All Saints held an Indoor Picnic in July. 2 members were awarded Long Service Certificates Jean (L) 35 years and Marlene (R) 25 years. | |
Ecc & Att Deanery
Lynn was enrolled into St Catherine of Siena by Fr Phillip | Katy (L) was welcomed back and Julie (L) was enrolled int MU at St Catherine of Siena | St Oswald MU held a Strawberry Tea in aid of AFIA and raised over £600. |
DASH Deanery
Tickhill MU held an Afternoon Tea in aid of AFIA and raised over £500
Rotherham & Laughton Deanery
Rycroft MU
Our MU event at St Nicholas, Ryecroft opened with midday prayers led by our new Chaplain, Fr Richard Parker. Lunch was served afterwards and everyone agreed it was lovely. After lunch Rob took over ,as usual , with his light hearted and fun Irish Bingo. There was a lovely atmosphere and, even though not as many came as usual, we were very happy with our hard work and effort and have been able to give £100 to A.F.I.A. and £65 to Indoor Members. Thank you to our generous and loyal supporters.
Tankersley Deanery