
Wed 17 July Cream Teas 2.30pm at St Oswalds Millhouses and St Johns Abbeydale- Ticket only. Sat 27 July 10.30-2,30 pm DASH Rally Doncaster Minster- Stalls Children Activities. Friday 2 August Cathedral Coffee 10:15 Hosts: Tankersley Deanery, Friday 9th Mary Sumner Day Service 2pm Sheffield Cathedral.

  • Trustees 2023

Sheffield Diocese Mothers’ Union welcomes you …


We aim to show our Christian faith by the transformation of communities worldwide. We can do this through supporting strong relationships within the family and promoting reconciliation at all levels. There are more than four million members of Mothers’ Union today in 84 countries around the world. Each member subscribes to the same values. Read More


Mothers’ Union is not all about prayer, camaraderie or even tea and cakes, though the tea and cakes are very nice! We have a small number of projects which we support throughout the Diocese which we hope offer a little comfort to those in need. Read More

A&O Coordinator accepted an Award from SY Police on behalf of Sheffield MU for contributions made to the Clewer Initiative where we continue to help Sheffield Police Trafficking dept. We have donated clothes, underwear and toiletries when needed, often at quite short notice. We have joined in online training courses on understanding County Lines for grandparents, parents, and guardians.

See the Impact of Mothers’ Union in 2023

Bishop’s Garden Party 2024

Sheffield MU held an upcycling stall and rised funds for the Archer Project and ASSIST

2024 Prayer List is available to download from Branch Resources

We put Hope into Action through ‘Away from it All’  AFIA Holidays or breaks More information

16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence and Abuse

Vigils for 2024 will take place on 30 November

Sheffied MU members took part in Vigils outside Sheffield Cathedral and Doncaster Minster to raise awareness.

Annual Gathering 2023

  • Wath Member- first time at an Annual meeting

Everything we do is underpinned through prayer



Mothers’ Union provides a network through which they can serve Christ in their own community – through prayer, financial support and actively working at the grassroots level in programmes that meet local needs. We meet together every month at Sheffield Cathedral for a Coffee morning and Midday Prayers.

You can also download IMPC Reflections on the IMPC page.

Some of our events during 2023

Resources for Branches on the above theme, these could be used for branch meetings, can be found here

Our new Spring Newsline should be with you now click on the photo to read.

Please take photos of events and send in news for Autumn 2024 Newsline and send to newsline@sheffieldmu.co.uk   by October 4th 2024

Gift Aid forms are also available to Download on our Branch Resource page

Donating through Gift Aid means Sheffield MU can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give- that is £5.75 on your subscription

     Visit us on Facebook! Just click on the icon above.

Spread the word about Mothers’ Union. 

The world’s best kept secret according to the Archbishop of Canterbury!

We have a new banner which may be borrowed by Branches or Deaneries for inside events. We also have 2 display boards with information about the work of Mothers’ Union – they are all easily transportable.

To borrow contact your Deanery Leader or Webmaster